July 28, 2021

Webinar – AfLIA membership: What’s in it for me and my library?

In light of promoting inclusion and sustainability, the National Libraries Section of AfLIA invites all library and information professionals to a webinar on the topic "AfLIA membership: What’s in it for me and my library?"
June 11, 2021

Webinar Series – Libraries in Development: Advancing Library Visibility in Africa

Many libraries desire more partnerships with development organizations to increase their local impacts but are unsure of how to connect. This webinar series focuses on enhancing library visibility based on research findings
June 9, 2021

Copyright and Legal Matters Working Group (CLMWG), AfLIA

AfLIA has set up a Copyright and Legal Matters Working Group charged with identifying existing legal frameworks and barriers to the acquisition, use, digitisation, and long-term preservation of library resources and cultural documentary records and effective 21st century information and library services in Africa.
June 8, 2021

Data for advocacy: A survey of data practices in African library systems

The data for advocacy report summarizes findings from the survey including what data is collected by library organizations; how the data is used; how data is shared; how data is involved in decision making; and the experience of data collection.
June 1, 2021

Wikipedia in African Libraries Course – #WikiAfLibs: Call for Cohort 2

Registration is open for the 2nd Cohort of the Wikipedia in African Libraries short course. Registration ends on 10th June, 2021
May 10, 2021

Job Alert: Content Developer for a course on Early Literacy Development

10th May, 2020 Description African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA), the umbrella body for the African Library sector is recruiting a Content Developer for a course on Early Literacy Development. It is a 2-month contract, June – July 2021. The Content Developer will work remotely but closely with the AfLIA […]
May 3, 2021

2021 African Librarians Week – AfLibWk 2.0

Starting 17th-24th May, 2021, AfLIA will launch the second African Librarians Week, an exciting period where African library and information professionals concertedly provide reliable and factual information to the world through Wikipedia
April 23, 2021

AfLIA 2021 Virtual Conference – Schedule

Pre-Conference – Monday, 24th May, 2021 – Open to all Monday, 24th May, 2021 Pre-Conference Wikipedia Workshop (Open to All)Theme – Wikipedia, Wikidata and Libraries English Speaking participants – 10:30 – 12:30 (GMT / UTC) Facilitators – Alice Kibombo (AfLIA WiR) & Wynand van der Walt (LIASA/Wikimedia ZA) French Speaking participants – […]
April 23, 2021

African Sustainable Development Goals Book Club launches on World Book Day

On 23 April 2021, World Book and Copyright Day, the African Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Book Club released its first ever reading lists of African titles aimed at children age 6-12, to teach them about the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Arabic, English, French, Kiswahili and in an honorary indigenous African language .
April 21, 2021

AfLIA Statement on Jagger Library, University of Cape Town Libraries’ Fire

21ST APRIL 2021 AfLIA has learnt of the fire disaster on 18th April 2021 that gutted the Reading Room of the Jagger Library as well as the loss of some collections at the University of Cape Town Library. We have sent private messages to our colleagues already. This is a great loss […]
April 16, 2021

AfLIA partners with NBA for early literacy development project

16TH APRIL, 2021 African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) has signed an agreement with Neil Butcher and Associates (NBA) to develop a course on early literacy development. The course will train public and community librarians in eighteen (18) African countries to understand and practice techniques for teaching children vocabulary development, print […]
March 3, 2021

AfLIA Conference 2021 goes virtual!!

The 4th AfLIA Conference and 6th African Library Summit will transition to a fully online, virtual experience. It is scheduled to hold in May 2021.
March 3, 2021

Call for papers: International LIS Practice

Call for papers: International Library & Information Science Practice. A festschrift in honour of Dr. Helena Asamoah-Hassan
February 26, 2021

March 2021 Little x Little Donation Campaign

From March 8-12, we’re celebrating the BIG difference little acts of kindness can make! All week, when you donate up to $50, GlobalGiving will match your generosity 50%
January 29, 2021

African Chapter, UN SDG Book Club

The African Chapter of the UN SDG Book club is readying for launch with UN and IPA working with APNET, ADEA, AfLIA, PAWA, Borders Literature Online, and PABA. The Book Club aims at helping children understand the SDGs through literary works.
January 15, 2021

Wikipedia @20: Birthday wishes from AfLIA & African Librarians

AfLIA rejoices with Wikipedia, as it marks its 20th anniversary.
January 5, 2021

The President’s 2021 Welcome Message

2021 Welcome message by AfLIA's President, Mandla Ntombela
January 4, 2021

Cours sur Wikipédia dans les bibliothèques africaines : Ouverture des inscriptions de la cohorte 1 / Curso Wikipédia em Bibliotecas Africanas: Abertura de inscrições na Cohort 1

L'AfLIA reçoit des candidatures pour le cours Wikipedia in African Libraries (#WikiAfLibs) - Cohorte 1. AfLIA está a receber candidaturas para o curso Wikipedia nas Bibliotecas Africanas (#WikiAfLibs) - Coorte 1. Date / Data limite: 14 de Janeiro de 2021 / 14 janvier 2021
January 4, 2021

Wikipedia in African Libraries Course: Cohort 1 registration opens

AfLIA is receiving applications for Wikipedia in African Libraries (#WikiAfLibs) Course - Cohort 1. Deadline: 14th January, 2021
November 15, 2020

Getting into action: Media and information literacy in Africa

After the Global MIL short course run by AfLIA, we are working with selected participants of the course to actualize their Action Plans. This will see the inculcation of media and information literacy skills to various communities across Africa.
November 4, 2020

Wikipedia in African Libraries Course: Call for participants for pilot testing

AfLIA calls for pilot participants to test the Wikipedia in African Libraries (#WikiAfLibs) course. The Cohort will test the adapted OCLC curriculum from 16th November – 20th December, 2020. Apply now!
November 3, 2020

39 African Librarians successfully complete AfLIA 2020 Global MIL Week course

39 African Librarians awarded for successfully completing AfLIA 2020 Global MIL Week course
November 2, 2020

Underscoring the importance of information marketing as a vital skill by librarians in post COVID-19 era

The future is bright and clear for any librarian who wants to diversify into information marketing. Read to know why....
October 15, 2020

2020 Open Access Week – AfLIA’s Unique Celebration

OCTOBER 11, 2020 The theme for 2020 Open Access Week is – Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion. When you examine knowledge sharing through the lense of Equity and Inclusion, you ask who is being left behind or cast aside and unable to access knowledge and information […]
October 9, 2020

Postponement of AfLAc Cohort 3

AfLAc 3 has been postponed until further notice.
October 6, 2020

AfLIA and IFLA advocate for Intellectual Property Protocol of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

AfLIA and IFLA in recognition of the possibilities created by AfCFTA for the negotiation of an Intellectual Property Protocol for the Free Trade Area have written to His Excellency, Mr. Wamkele Mene, Secretary General, African Continental Free-Trade Area (AfCFTA), Africa Trade House, Accra Ghana.
October 2, 2020

2020 Global Media and Information Literacy Week short course

Join AfLIA virtually to promote Media and Information Literacy in Africa by enrolling in the 2020 Global Media and Literacy Week: 5-day free Call to Action course.
October 1, 2020

Call for Chapters: Digital Literacy, Inclusivity and Sustainable Development in Africa

AfLIA, partnering with CILIP, invites all to submit chapter proposals for a book themed "Digital Literacy, Inclusivity and Sustainable Development in Africa"
September 24, 2020

Invitation to complete pre-research survey: WikiAfLibs Survey

24TH SEPTEMBER 2020 The Wikipedia in African Libraries Project (#WikiAfLibs) aims to produce an adapted curriculum to train at least 300 LIS professionals (from about 30 African countries), who will be able to carry out community outreaches and help their different user communities to be adept at using Wikipedia for learning, research […]
September 21, 2020

AfLIA President, Mandla Ntombela, appointed as new CEO of South African Library for the Blind

SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 – News in brief The AfLIA President, Mr. Mandla Ntombela has been appointed the Chief Executive Officer/Director, South African Library for the Blind (SALB). He is moving from Msunduzi Municipality Library where he has held sway as the City Librarian. Mr. Ntombela believes that inclusive library and information services […]