January 25, 2019

Curbing Teenage Pregnancies through Access to Reproductive Health Information

Published: January 25, 2019 by Beatrice Adwoa Ampadu An AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 1 Project In Ghana, Beatrice Adwoa Ampadu worked with the Ministry of Education and Health as well as NGOs, Churches and community leaders on providing health information and sanitary wares to students to curb the rampant teenage pregnancy problem […]
January 25, 2019

Public Libraries contributing to community health: introducing the Outapi Library Fitness Club

Cathryn Ndeshipanda Shikuni, a librarian in Outapi Community Library, Namibia is a participant in AfLIA Leadership Academy. She observed that members of her community, struggle to keep fit and live healthier lifestyles. She investigated and found out that there was a lone gym in the community which charged exorbitantly.
January 24, 2019

Bibliotherapy for children in hospitals

Published: January 24, 2020 by Pranisha Parag An AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 1 Project Pranisha Parag, a participant in AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 1, is deeply concerned about children who are hospitalized for long periods. During periods of long stay at hospitals, children usually have nothing to face up to except drugs […]
January 24, 2019

Improving Fish farming and productivity in Sapele Community and its environs

Friday Imoni-Atebafia, a participant of AfLAc Cohort 1 embarked on a mission to improve fish farming and productivity in Sapele community and its environs
January 24, 2019

Mobile book-box. Books anywhere

by Adonia Katungisa An AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 1 Project Reading empowers and prospers. Children read more when there are books available for them. School libraries provide the opportunity for young people to read for broader understanding outside of what is taught in the classrooms. The inadequate number of libraries and paucity […]
January 24, 2019

Plastic pollution, how the library can sustain its community to save our planet

Published: January 24, 2020 by Afusat Olaroju Ogunjimi An AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 1 Project Afusat Olaroju Ogunjimi is a participant in AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 1. She works in Oyo State Library Board, Oyo town, Nigeria. Afusat has always been passionate about her routine duties as a librarian but her understanding […]
January 24, 2019

Public Libraries and dissemination of Information at Correctional Services

Victoria Isaacks is a librarian with the Namibia Library & Archives Services, Windhoek and a participant of AfLIA Leadership Academy - Cohort 1. For her, libraries have always been about dissemination of books and information resources to change lives.
January 24, 2019

Libraries as youth empowerment centres

Miriam Mureithi, is another AfLAc participant. She is a principal librarian at Kenya National Library Services, Thika Branch. After gaining the understanding that the community should be the primary focus of public libraries, not just the books on the shelves, Miriam together with her team of librarians decided to empower the youths of her community by closing the gap in their Information Technology and entrepreneurial skills.
January 24, 2019

Establishment of Readers’ Clubs in Basic Schools

Reading is very essential to every child's education. It is the pathway to high performance and success in school. Early childhood reading develops an impressive capacity for imagination, a precursor to creativity and innovation. But when children cannot read effectively, they find it difficult to follow lessons in the classroom and writing assignments.
January 23, 2019

Promotion of digital innovation and literacy skills for students and teachers

Bakary understands that digital literacy is the language of the present as well as the future since those who cannot share, learn, network and perform other basic functions in an online environment would be left behind in this century.
January 1, 2019

“Library made me”

This is a story of Daouda Sow, a “library-made man”. This story is not based on a myth, but on true facts. Daouda received primary education in a Sengalese village called Hombo in northern Senegal until he obtained the certificate of elementary studies and afterward.......
January 1, 2019

Freedom to exist, to Aspire, to Be – Libraries and Human rights

Libraries are bridges. They act as equalizers in the society, opening their doors to all so that everyone can aspire to be free from the shackles of ignorance, poverty, and segregation. Libraries provide platforms for people to come in contact with dreams, ideas and activities of the past and present and to become energized to dream of possibilities and greatness of the future without boundaries restrictions or limitations.
December 31, 2018

Promote county Library services bill, 2015; Kenya, for literacy development

The devolved system of governance in Kenya can only work best where the acceleration of information is indispensable. Libraries are institutions that have the ability to bridge the gap between knowledge and ignorance.
December 30, 2018

Libraries & Librarians: your other best place & friend

“So, did you go to school to earn a Masters” degree on how to arrange books?”, “Exactly what do you do as a librarian?”, “Why do I need to come to the library when I can use the internet for everything?”. These are questions I am always asked since I began my career as a librarian.
September 7, 2023

New cultural heritage grants available: Modern Engagement Archives Program

Funding is now available for documentation and digitization projects to preserve cultural heritage under the MEAP Program.
August 21, 2023

2023 International Literacy Day Celebration

The Public and Community Libraries Section (PCLS) of the African Library and Information Association (AfLIA) invites librarians to participate in a webinar to mark the 2023 International Literacy Day in line with the theme, "Promoting Literacy for a World in Transition: Building the Foundation for Sustainable and Peaceful Societies".
August 8, 2023

Conversations on UNESCO OER Recommendation and Open Knowledge: An overview for African librarians

You are invited to two panel discussions on the UNESCO OER Recommendation and Open Knowledge: An overview for African librarians on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th August 2023.
August 3, 2023

AfLIA Publication Series

This page catalogues various publications of AfLIA and its strategic partners
July 19, 2023

Highlights and Winners of the 4th African Librarians Week (AfLibWk4.0)

Highlights and Winners of the 4th African Librarians Week (AfLibWk4.0)
June 24, 2023

Community Consultation on UNESCO Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms

. AfLIA invites you to participate in a virtual consultation session to deliberate on issues covered in the current draft of the Guidelines (Draft 3.0) and share your perspectives as a library and information professional. 
May 29, 2023

AfLIA welcomes 2023-2025 Governing Council and first female president

28 MAY 2023 AfLIA welcomes 2023-2025 Governing Council and first female president at the 5th AfLIA Conference and 7th African Library Summit The 5th AfLIA Conference and 7th African Library Summit held at the Erata Hotel in Accra- Ghana, marked a significant milestone for the African Library and Information Associations and Institutions […]
May 10, 2023

AfLIA LIS Education and Training Section Pre-conference Workshop

The AfLIA LIS Education and Training Section invites you attend a virtual preconference workshop on "The IFLA Guidelines for Professional LIS Education Programmes: Consideration and Application in Africa", 22, 2023; 10:00 -13:00 (GMT - Accra).
April 13, 2023

AfLIA/SPARC Africa Workshop on Library Publishing: Request for Applications

Applications are open for the AfLIA post-conference Workshop on Library Publishing. Successful applicants will receive full sponsorship
April 10, 2023

The Early Literacy Development Course – outcome and experiences from cohort 1

The AfLIA NBA South Africa powered Early Literacy Development Course - outcome and experiences from cohort 1
April 9, 2023

Introducing Champions for the 4th African Librarians Week 1Lib1Ref campaign

Introducing Champions for the 4th African Librarians Week 1Lib1Ref campaign
March 27, 2023

AfLibWk 4.0 webinar series: African knowledge to the world

Check out the details of our upcoming webinars for the African Librarians Week and book your spot now! This year, we are projecting "African Knowledge to the World."
February 20, 2023

Webinar: Openness, the public good and African librarians

AfLIA, in conjunction with OERAfrica is hosting a webinar on the topic "Openness, the public good and African librarians" on Thursday, 23rd February, 2023 by 9.30am.
February 16, 2023

AfLIA partners with Figshare to promote open data awareness and participation in Africa

AfLIA partners Figshare to promote open data awareness and participation in Africa
February 15, 2023

Call for Nominations: 2023-2025 AfLIA Governing Council

AfLIA invites all paid-up members to nominate candidates to serve as 2023-225 Governing Council members
January 31, 2023

The African Librarysites platform: Official Launch & Orientation

AfLIA invites all library and information professionals and stakeholders within the African Library Sector to participate in a virtual launch ceremony for the African Librarysites platform.
January 23, 2023

AfLIA Wikidata Online Course – registration now open

AfLIA is excited to announce that registration is now open for enrolment in the AfLIA Wikidata Online Course. Participation is open to all librarians and other information professionals in Africa. This project is funded by the Wikimedia Foundation.
December 31, 2022

5th AfLIA Conference & 7th African Library Summit – registration open

Registration now open for the 5th AfLIA Conference & 7th African Library Summit.
December 6, 2022

Introducing the African Librarysites platform: a continental source of consolidated library location data for development

Introducing the African Librarysites platform: a continental source of consolidated library location data for development
December 5, 2022

Invitation to a 2-day virtual workshop on Data Librarianship

AfLIA’s Library Education and Training Institution Section (LETIS), in collaboration with the LIS Department of the University of Western Cape, is organizing a hands-on virtual workshop 8-9 December 2022 to train information professionals on data librarianship and research data management skills.
November 21, 2022

AfLIA partners with NBA to implement UNESCO OER Recommendations

AfLIA partners with NBA to implement UNESCO OER Recommendations
November 21, 2022

AfLIA takes on four Wikimedians for the Wikidata Project

AfLIA has taken on four experienced Wikimedians to lead the charge in developing a learning framework (curriculum, modules and learning materials} for a Wikidata course and train English and French course participants, taking into cognisance their digital skills set, internet facilities/penetration, African meanings, values and learning milieu in the continent.
October 15, 2022

Webinar: An introduction to Data Librarianship

AfLIA’s Library Education and Training Institution Section (LETIS) is organizing a free webinar on November 3, 2022 to introduce information professionals to data librarianship as well as capacitate information practitioners with research data management skills through hands-on workshops.
August 27, 2022

Webinar: An introduction to Wikisource – the free digital library

In keeping with the International Literacy Day, AfLIA is organizing a webinar on the topic "An introduction to Wikisource - the free digital library". Participation is free
August 17, 2022

Understanding and implementation of OER practices in the African library and information science sector

This webinar aims at probing the understanding of OER by African librarians, the uptake in different countries in Africa as well as challenges experienced or envisaged.
August 10, 2022

AfLIA opens the Call for the 2023 Conference Papers, Ignite Talks, Posters and Big Ideas proposals

The 5th AfLIA Conference and 7th African Library Summit - AfLIA opens the Call for papers, ignite talks, posters and big ideas proposals.
August 7, 2022

Intergenerational solidarity: African libraries creating a world for all ages

Join AfLIA, on the International Youth Day 2022, for a discussion that interrogates social constructs within the African communitiess that libraries can build upon for creating intergenerational solidarity.
August 2, 2022

AfLIA President, Mr. Alim Garga, pays working visit to Gabon

The President of the African Library and Information Association and Institutions, Mr. Alim Garga, embarked on a three-day working visit to Libreville, Gabon, at his own cost, to meet and interact with Gabonese library and information institutions and professionals from May 23-27, 2022. The visit was occasioned as part of AfLIA’s partnership and membership mobilization strategy to promote the continental association.
July 5, 2022

Job Opening – French Facilitator for Wikidata Course

AfLIA is looking for a course facilitator to work remotely but closely with the Course Manager/Facilitator and the AfLIA team for seven months to create a learning framework (curriculum, modules and learning materials) in French for the AfLIA/Wikidata course.
July 1, 2022

Climate crisis, disaster management and African libraries – webinar

AfLIA is organizing a webinar series on 13-14 July, 2022 to discuss how libraries can be pivotal in fighting this existential threat  and how these institutions of knowledge and heritage can be protected in times of disasters.