June 12, 2020

Fully sponsored skills development opportunity for library users and students

Enhance your employability through the COL-Coursera Workforce Recovery Program, a fully sponsored online learning opportunity for the unemployed, library users and students. Apply now!!
June 9, 2020

Wall of Experiences for the first edition of AfLibWk

Here is a thread of shared experiences and impressions from participants of the first edition of AfLibWk, which was compiled from an evaluation form that was sent out at the end of event.
May 4, 2020

Launching the African Librarians Week: The President’s Speech

Speech delivered by the Mr. Mandla Ntombela, President of AfLIA on 23rd April, 2020 to launch the African Librarians Week (#AfLIbWk) Campaign. 
April 22, 2020

Suite of COVID-19 Resources for Librarians

AfLIA is supporting librarians with information about platforms that can aid the provision of online services as the impact of the COVID19 pandemic intensifies.
April 20, 2020

Call for participation to Libraries as Gardens

News in brief Libraries as Gardens is a creative project that seeks to geolocate and map, on a global scale, the before, during and after of the coronavirus lockdown, through personal audio recordings of the stories of people about their libraries and gardens that they tell in their homes during the pandemic. […]
March 20, 2020

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Sensibilização: O que os Bibliotecários Africanos podem fazer?

Como bibliotecários, temos o dever de tornar acessíveis todas as informações relevantes sobre o Coronavírus em todas as formas e formas, para benefício e proteção de nossos usuários e comunidades, sem causar pânico indevido.
March 20, 2020

Sensibilisation au virus Corona (COVID-19) : Que peuvent faire les bibliothécaires africains ?

En tant que bibliothécaires, nous avons le devoir de rendre accessibles toutes les informations pertinentes sur le Coronavirus, sous toutes ses formes, pour le bénéfice et la protection de nos utilisateurs et de nos communautés, sans provoquer de panique excessive.
March 9, 2020

AfLIA and IPAY organize a 2-day training workshop for Parliamentary Librarians and Archivists

AfLIA, in collaboration with the African Parliamentary Institute of Yaounde - IPAY, organized a 2-day practically-oriented training workshop for over 40 Parliamentary Librarians and Archivists from the 4-5th March 2020 in Yaoundé - Cameroon, to equip them with requisite knowledge and skill sets in research, digital curation of legislative materials and the use of mobile apps for real-time information services to parliamentarians and other stakeholders so as to enable them effectively and efficiently support the work of parliament.
February 28, 2020

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Awareness: What can African Librarians do?

As librarians, we owe it as a duty to make accessible all relevant information about the Coronavirus in all shapes and forms for the benefit and protection of our users and communities, without causing undue panic.
February 17, 2020

AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 2 goes to PLA 2020

Participants of AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 2 from Kenya, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe will be joining other Librarians at Public Library Association Conference, PLA 2020, Nashville, Tennessee. USA.
February 11, 2020

AfLIA and African Storybook Workshop, Abuja, Nigeria

AfLIA, in partnership with African Storybook invites all to a free workshop in Abuja, Nigeria on the Use of technology to create and translate children’s stories for literacy promotion, hosted by the National Library of Nigeria, Abuja from 3rd –5th March, 2020.
February 11, 2020

African Librarians invited to contribute knowledge to Wikipedia, through a new Wikimedia / AfLIA partnership

AfLIA and the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit behind Wikipedia, have partnered through a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on training African librarians to use and contribute to Wikipedia through webinars, trainings, and a preconference session at the AfLIA 2021 Conference in Accra, Ghana. 
February 1, 2020

Call for Applications – AfLIA Leadership Academy Cohort 3

AfLIA invites applications from librarians working in all Library types to participate in the 3rd Cohort of the 9-month AfLIA Leadership Academy due to begin with an online mini-symposium in August 2020.
January 31, 2020

Applications open for AfLIA/IPAY Training Workshop for Parliamentary Librarians

AfLIA, in partnership with IPAY, Yaounde, gladly announces that registration is progress for the inaugural Training Workshop for all African Parliamentary Librarians. The workshop will take place 4-5th March 2020 at the National assembly of Cameroon, Reunification Boulevard, Yaoundé 3, Street 3053, Cameroon.
January 31, 2020

AfLIA establishes a two-year partnership with Saide and OER Africa

AfLIA has signed a two-year Memorandum of Understanding with the South African Institute for Distance Education - Saide and Open Educational Resources Africa - OER Africa to bridge competency gaps of Librarians in Africa by providing training and training resources on tertiary-level Open Educational Resources, Open Licensing and Open Access.
January 30, 2020

AfLIA signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals – CILIP

AfLIA - the trusted voice of the African library and information community, has announced a new partnership with the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) as part of the successful Working Internationally for Libraries programme, funded by the Arts Council England.
January 27, 2020

Why join us: Membership benefits of AfLIA

AfLIA is an institutional membership based organization. Our membership cuts across all the regions in Africa and comprises of all library and information types. Here are 6 major reasons why your library or information association or institution must be part of us.
December 11, 2019

AfLIA partners with IPAY Training Institute

AfLIA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IPAY Training Institute which is a Cameroon based, Pan-African and bilingual institute that trains parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and private individuals.
November 28, 2019

4th CARLIGH International Conference: Call for Papers and Posters

The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana (CARLIGH) is pleased to announce the 4th CARLIGH International  Conference of the Consortium which will be held at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Ghana from Monday 13th to Friday 17th July 2020.
November 21, 2019

AfLIA congratulates Mr. Kepi Madumo on his appointment as National Librarian and CEO of the NLSA

The Executive Director, AfLIA, Dr. Helena Asamoah-Hassan on behalf of the Governing Council and the entire membership of AfLIA has congratulated Mr. Kepi Madumo on his recent appointment as the National Librarian and CEO of National Library of South Africa.
November 6, 2019

AfLIA to kick-off the “2019 Annual Giving Season” on 3rd December, “Giving Tuesday”

AfLIA kicks-off the “2019 Annual Giving Season” on 3rd December, “Giving Tuesday. Click to read a message from President Ntombela Mandla, and be part of the building “the Africa we want”.
November 6, 2019

2019 MRT: African Ministers responsible for Public Libraries pledge to support development of libraries

The 3rd Ministerial Roundtable for African Ministers with oversight responsibilities for Libraries, held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Ghana in conjunction with the Ghana Library Authority (GhLA) and African Library & Information Associations & Institutions (AfLIA) came to successful end
October 15, 2019

African Ministers in charge of Public Libraries to meet in Accra for the 3rd Ministerial Roundtable Meeting on Information access

In conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Ghana, Ghana Library Authority and the African Union, AfLIA is hosting the 3rd Roundtable Meeting of Ministers in charge of Public Libraries in Africa from 28-30th October, 2019 at Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra-Ghana  to reiterate the point that access to information is crucial for development in Africa and that Libraries are best suited to perform this role.
October 9, 2019


The attention of African Libraries and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) has been drawn to a fake 'INVITATION TO ATTEND A 5-DAY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR LIBRARIANS IN ALL TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN AFRICA' by GOODNEWS INTERNATIONAL VENTURES of Mustapha Hassan St. Olorunsogo, Oke-Ibukun Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
September 8, 2019

Literacy and multilingualism – 2019 International Literacy Day

The ability to read, write and do a simple summation of numbers that are necessary for 21st-century engagements in hospitals, banks, and commercial spaces underpin sustainable development. Africa’s literacy rate is on the rise. In Botswana, the adult literacy rate increased from 68.58 % in 1991 to 88.22 % in 2015 and […]
September 2, 2019

AfLIA signs Memorandum of Understanding with Eblida

On 26th August, 2019, African Library & Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the European Bureau of Library Information and Documentation Associations (Eblida) at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Athens, Greece
August 7, 2019

Frankly Speaking – Straight from the heart

Frankly Speaking, a 'Virtual Talk Show' and 'Marketplace of ideas' deals with burning issues in African LIS Sector and in the society as it applies to the practice of Library and Information science in the continent.
August 7, 2019

Call for Ambassadors for GAPMIL Youth Committee

The Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) Youth Committee with support of UNESCO and SIDA is calling for Youth Ambassadors as part of its strategies to operationalize the Youth Committee globally. The Youth Ambassadors represent the GAPMIL Youth Committee.
July 24, 2019

Commonwealth University and London Graduate School bestows honourary doctorate on Mr. John Tsebe, immediate past president of AfLIA

The Commonwealth University and London Graduate School has bestowed an Honourary Doctorate on Mr. John Tsebe, immediate past president of the African Library & Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA).
July 22, 2019

AfLIA Leadership Academy (AfLAc) Cohort 1 embarks on a Professional Exchange Visit to Chicago

Cohort 1 AfLIA Leadership Academy (AfLAc) recently visited USA for an exchange professional visit in partnership with the Public Library Association (PLA) of ALA. Participants arrived Chicago on Sunday, 24th March 2019.