AfLIA 2023 In-person and Virtual Conference [HYBRID]
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
Why hybrid?
The success story of the first ever virtual AfLIA conference in 2019 taught us key lessons ensuring inclusivity and expanding opportunities for professionals to convene, interact and share insights that improve the library and information sector. Consequent to the development of COVID-19 vaccines, the world has opened up for in-person convenings to take place but after careful considerations, AfLIA want to ensure that the opportunity created to interact virtually is continued even as we resume in-person conferences. We are excited that this hybrid event makes it possible to broaden the learning opportunities and engagement with the world of library and information science, at this time.
Who can attend the AfLIA conference?
AfLIA’s conferences are the biggest forum for LIS professionals and practitioners in Africa. The 5th AfLIA Conference and 7th African Library Summit welcomes participation from all LIS leaders, LIS practitioners, LIS educators, LIS policy makers, Young and emerging LIS leaders, students as well as Organisations and Professionals working in partnership with African libraries.
What is the theme of the 5th AfLIA Conference and 7th African Library Summit?
This year’s conference theme is “Future of learning, libraries and sustainable development in Africa.“. Click here to get more details about theme and sub-themes of the conference.
Is the conference schedule available?
Details of the conference programme have been posted here.
What will the conference entail?
A variety of exciting activities and thought-provoking sessions will characterize the hybrid conference including paper and poster presentations, ignite talks, panel discussions, interviews, breakout sessions, motivational sessions, unconference and pre and post conference workshops as well as hybrid exhibitions. Check out the conference schedule for the full listing of sessions here.
What options are available for conference exhibition and sponsoring?
For all information on the exciting packages for conference exhibition and sponsoring, please click here.
How much do I need to pay for registration?
Our conference participation fees have been significantly discounted to give opportunity for as many interested attendees to connect, share, learn and network. Members of AfLIA are required to pay $400 per person whereas non-members will pay $500 per person as bird early rates. Conference speakers will be required to pay $400 each and must attend in-person to make their presentations. See conference registration page for more details.
I want to benefit from the member rate. Who can I contact if I want to become a Member?
Our doors are always open to receiving new members as we join hands to positively shape cause of librarianship on the African continent. For membership information and registration, please feel free to contact our membership officer at membership@aflia.net for the necessary assistance. Please note that to receive membership discount, your membership dues must be received with or prior to your registration.
Do I have to present at the conference to attend?
Absolutely not! AfLIA welcomes attendance by all LIS leaders, LIS practitioners, LIS educators, LIS policy makers, Young and emerging LIS leaders, students as well as Organisations and Professionals working in partnership with African libraries, regardless of their participation in conference sessions. To register, please visit here
What am I entitled as a conference participant?
All conference participants will have complete access to all in-person and virtual sessions and presentations, discussions, plenary and concurrent sessions, breakout sessions occurring over the period of the virtual conference as well as to the recorded sessions after the fact.
A virtual component of the conference is a great idea! But what if I experience technical difficulties during the conference?
Don’t panic! Due to the nature of virtual events, we fully expect that will be there questions and various technical issues throughout the conference. Feel free to reach us at afliacomm@aflia.net if you ever need any assistance before or during the conference. If you happen to miss your session due to unsolvable technical issues, you will definitely have access to the recorded version.
How long will presentations run?
Paper and poster presentations will run between 10-15 minutes long depending on the number of panelists. Ignite talks will run for maximum 5 minutes. Learn more about the conference schedule, sessions and time allocations from here.
Any room for registration cancellation and refund?
Written requests for registration refunds must be postmarked fourteen (14) days before the commencement of the virtual conference. Cancellations submitted within the allowable time frame will be refunded less the refund processing fee. Registration substitutions from the same institution are accepted.
What time zone will the conference sessions be streamed or shown?
The AfLIA Secretariat is located in Accra, Ghana located within the Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) time zone. Thus, all sessions will take place within the GMT time zone. Please convert times indicated in the conference schedule to your local time to know when to connect for a session.
May I register for a single day at a reduced rate?
Unfortunately, no! Session-based, time-based, day-based registration is not permitted for the 5th AfLIA Conference and 7th African Library Summit. To encourage sufficient audience attendance for all presentations and give attendees the opportunity to enjoy the rich intellectual experience that the conference will offer, AfLIA insists that all attendees register for the entire conference. Click here for more information on conference fees.
Will the conference accept advertising in its conference program? If so, what are the rates?
Yes, there are number of advertising opportunities and slots for all interested exhibitors and sponsors in the conference program. More details about advertising rates and order forms can be shared upon request. If interested, kindly send us a mail at: secretariat@aflia.net
Will I receive a certificate of attendance?
Certificates of attendance will be available for all conference participants via email following the conference.