10th May, 2020
African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA), the umbrella body for the African Library sector is recruiting a Content Developer for a course on Early Literacy Development. It is a 2-month contract, June – July 2021.
The Content Developer will work remotely but closely with the AfLIA Project team to ensure the development of the course by 5th July, 2021 and a pilot review of the content before end of July 2021. Do you think this is for you? Please click on the button below to download and find
out more about the job specification.
If you are a perfect fit for the Content Developer for a course on Early Literacy Development for African Librarians, please send your application with the title – Application for Content Developer, Early Literacy Development course for African Librarians – and a detailed curriculum vitae including the telephone and email contacts of three referees via email to;
The Executive Director,
P. O. Box BC 38,
Accra, Ghana
Email: hrah@aflia.net with a copy to programofficer@aflia.net
On or before May 28th, 2021.