Dear AfLIA friends and community,
Mr. Mandla Ntombela, AfLIA President
On 3rd December, 2019, AfLIA, the trusted voice of the African library and information community, will kick-off its Annual Giving Season Campaign! This will be an exciting time for AfLIA as it will be working through various media to mobilize resources to support our programmes and activities. This year’s giving season will end on 31 December!
The 3rd December will be known world over as “Giving Tuesday”. Many other organisations will be using the day to raise funds. We as the AfLIA community will need to actively participate to get our share of donations! This is an important fundraising endeavor for AfLIA as resources raised will support our programmes. This year we are leveraging the Annual Giving Season to raise funds to support future participants in the INELI-SSAf training programme. As you maybe aware, the INELI-SSAf participants are helping expand reach of library services, and transforming communities through innovative services across Africa. The training programme gives them skills to contribute to the creation of the Africa we want!
Through INELI-SSAf participants our goal is to reach 100, 000 people with library service:
This letter serves to ask you to actively participate through giving, and inviting others to give towards this worthy cause during the Annual Giving Season, 2019 which runs for 3-31 December. Please feel free to reach out to myself, the Executive Director, Dr. Helena Asamoah- Hassan, and to the Resource Development Director, Dr. Buhle Mbambo-Thata during this time if you need more information.
I invite you to help us build the “Africa we want” through innovatiove library services!
Yours in gratitude
Mandla M Ntombela,
AfLIA President.