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21ST APRIL 2021
AfLIA has learnt of the fire disaster on 18th April 2021 that gutted the Reading Room of the Jagger Library as well as the loss of some collections at the University of Cape Town Library. We have sent private messages to our colleagues already.
This is a great loss to the library fraternity globally but especially to Africa and South Africa. Seeing one’s property being destroyed and one could do virtually nothing to stop it, is a traumatic experience that will take some time to go off.
Our relief is that, from what we have heard, fire shutters prevented the fire from engulfing other areas of the library. This we believe is an eye opener to other libraries so that they will adopt such measures as part of disaster preparedness.
At this time, our thoughts are with colleagues at the UCT Libraries, South African Library Community and the UCT community as other properties of the university were also damaged by the ravaging fire.
AfLIA is with you at this time and pledges support in areas that the UCT Libraries will need our assistance on the road towards recovery. We stand by you as you take steps towards achieving normalcy.
Helena Asamoah-Hassan
Executive Director, AfLIA