AfLIA is managed under the general guidelines of the Constitution and the Bye-Laws. The governing body of the Association is the Council, which shall have power to act on behalf of the Association, in all matters except those reserved in the constitution to members at an Annual or Special General Meeting. In addition, there shall be Committees and Sections of the Association as provided in the Bye-laws.

The constitution can be downloaded from the link: AfLIA Constitution


AfLIA has a set of policies that create the right working envronment and ensure that the values of the organisation is upheld in all of its activities.

These policies are listed below. Click on each to download:

The Governing
Council is made up of :

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Immediate Past President
  • One elected representative from each of the five regions of Africa- Central, East, North, South, West
  • One elected representative from Portuguese speaking Africa
  • One elected representative from French speaking West Africa
  • Chairpersons of the Sections
  • Executive Director

The Library
Type Sections are :

  • National Library Associations
  • Academic Libraries
  • Public /Community Libraries
  • National Libraries
  • Special Libraries / Information & Documentation Centres
  • School libraries
  • Library and Information Education / Training Institutions
  • National Library Consortia
  • Libraries in Diaspora

AfLIA's Governing Council 2021 - 2023

Mr Alim Garga

Mr Alim Garga

Prof. Rosemary Shafack

Prof. Rosemary Shafack
Vice President

Mr. Mandla Ntombela

Mr. Mandla Ntombela
Immediate Past President

Tendayi Madziga

Mr. Tendayi Madziga
Portuguese Speaking Africa

Mr. Kepi Madumo

Mr. Kepi Madumo
Southern African Rep. & Chairperson for National Libraries Section

Ms. Sarah Negumbo

Ms. Sarah Negumbo
Chair, National Libraries

Mrs. Neemat Abdulrahim

Mrs. Neemat Abdulrahim
Chair, Public & Community Libraries

Dr. Sarah Kaddu

Dr. Sarah Kaddu
Chair, Education & Training Institutions

Officers of Library Type Sections 2021 - 2023